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Our Root Beliefs

We are Family

We are made for one another because God created us for one another.  Our Saint Mary Magdalene family includes teachers, families, the parish, and the surrounding community. We treat others the way we want to be treated.  “We are many parts, but all one Body.”

God is in all Things

God is in the curriculum, how we teach, and how we live out God’s word.  We strive daily to see the face of Christ in all members of the Saint Mary Magdalene community.  As we see and understand God’s presence in creation, we grow in love for God our Creator. 

We are Always Learning

Each day God gives us a new opportunity to learn and grow in faith and wisdom.  Learning is in all we do and comes in different forms.  We learn from each other.  We learn from our mistakes.  As we learn about ourselves, each other, our students, and God’s creations, we grow in deeper faith and wisdom.  Jesus is our greatest teacher.

We are Made in the Image and Likeness of God

We believe we are all made by God and in God’s image.  Therefore, we treat each individual with dignity, respect, and love.  We believe everyone comes to us wholly good from God and we work to help others develop their fullest God-given gifts and talents. 

We Strive for Excellence

We strive for excellence in our thoughts, words, and deeds.  We always give our best effort.  We are intentional in our planning.  We have high expectations for ourselves and our students.  We seek to be a community where students, staff, and families are constantly reflecting, seeking feedback, and finding ways to improve and grow in both faith and wisdom.  It’s through our intentional choices that we give all glory to God through excellence.  We believe small things matter.  Excellence is for everybody.



de los estudiantes reciben la beca EdChoice de Ohio



de los estudiantes asisten a una escuela secundaria católica después del octavo grado



270 estudiantes matriculados desde preescolar hasta 8vo grado



tasa de aprobación para la Garantía de lectura de tercer grado de Ohio 

El colegio Saint Mary Magdalene recluta y admite estudiantes de cualquier raza, color u origen étnico en todos sus
derechos, privilegios, programas y actividades. Además, la escuela no discriminará en base a
raza, color, origen nacional y étnico en la administración de sus políticas educativas, políticas de admisión,
programas de empleo, becas y préstamos, y programas deportivos y otros programas administrados por la escuela”.
La escuela Saint Mary Magdalene no discriminará por motivos de raza, color u origen étnico en el
contratación de su personal certificado o no certificado.

2940 Parkside Rd. Columbus Ohio, 43204 | 614-279-9935

© 2022 Escuela Católica St. Mary Magdalene JMJ.

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